In olden times our ancestors built castles to protect themselves against their enemies. At first, these were simple walls looking down on embankments and ditches. Later, our ancestors built towers to retreat to, if an enemy breached their defences. When peace came, they decorated the towers with ornate roofs and domes. But what has this to with adding eavestroughs to round turrets?
This Has to Do With Our Affection For the Past
Many of us have a half-secret desire to be the lady or lord of our castle. Some us may go as far as adding a turret with a round roof or dome to our home, perhaps to capture a view across the surrounding landscape. A few may even build their new home in Spanish or Moorish style.
In our experience, their architects seldom spare a thought for adding gutters or eavestroughs. Perhaps they think the downspout will spoil their design. Meanwhile the poor homeowner has to put up with roof water staining the turret walls. And if there’s a doorway entrance below, perhaps dripping on their heads too.

Adding Eavestroughs to a Round Turret ‘Toretta’
We had a call from a new client of Italian ancestry, who asked us if we could add eavestroughs to his ‘toretta’. Intrigued, we made an appointment, and arrived at an ornate, classic-style home with a tower over the font door.
The area down below was the size of a room, and we could see we would need scaffolding to reach the gutter line. Our new client was not concerned about the cost. He just wanted a gutter on his ‘toretta’, which was his name for the turret.
Our aluminum gutter extrusion machine only produces straight lengths, and these have profiles to prevent them bending into curves. Our solution, as you can see from the photo, was to join short lengths together, and seal the joints thoroughly from the inside.
Our client was delighted, especially after we added a short downspout that discharged onto the main roof behind the dome. That’s how we apply our deep experience, when adding eavestroughs to clients’ homes.
Discuss Your Eavestrough Requirements With Valiant
Discuss your eavestrough requirements with Valiant Exteriors in Calgary before you order. We don’t charge a dollar for our experience, which is why our prices are always so pleasantly competitive.
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