Eavestroughing a Poorly-Framed Outbuilding

Constructing a garage, or other outbuilding with siding over a timber frame is an attractive quick-fix when you need an affordable solution. The theory is simple, but there are many points in the project where you need to be careful to avoid eavestroughing a poorly-framed outbuilding.

Level, Vertical and Square Are the Rules of the Game

We came across the consequences of not being watchful, when we repaired eavestroughing to a timber-frame garage. The person who built it lost their horizontal alignment at one corner. We sorted the problem but it was quite a challenge.

The folk who erected the framing omitted to take note that the floor pad sloped from the rear to prevent rainwater accumulating there. The line of their original eavestroughing compounded the problem, and disturbed the water flow in the gutter.

When the homeowner contacted us for advice, we could see the cause of the problem was thoughtlessly eavestroughing a poorly-framed outbuilding. We realigned the gutters at that point, and tidied up the old holes on on fascia. That was the best we could do short of re-aligning the entire roof.

Proactively Avoiding  Eavestroughing a Poorly Framed Outbuilding

A timber-frame building comprises a set of four pre-fabricated frames, attached to mounting points on the ground and bolted together. The roof timbers attach to this framework, whereafter the structure is ready for cladding and finishing.

eavestroughing a poorly-framed outbuilding
Interior of a Timber-Frame Building in Progress (Riiisi Puuro BY CC 3.0 Share Alike)

A glance at our photo of a timber frame building under construction, highlights how many points there are where the underlying structure can lose its alignment. This is how an error below may knock through to the features above. Framing timber homes is a specialist task best done by experts.

Valiant Exteriors’ Role in the Construction Business

We don’t involve ourselves in framing timber buildings, although we may work closely with other other contractors who do so. Some of them ask us to complete the rest of the building, by closing in and sealing the frame and roof timbers on the outside.

Sometimes we end up eavestroughing a poorly-framed outbuilding although thankfully this is a rare occasion. You are more likely to find us:

  • Attaching various types of exterior siding to timber frame buildings.
  • Adding roof decks, insulation, and asphalt tiles to roof rafters fitted by others.
  • Installing complete eavestroughing systems ensuring proper drainage.

Our specialist in-house teams also renovate and replace existing sidings, roof insulation, roof decks, asphalt tiles, and eavestroughing to existing structures. Please contact Valiant Exteriors for advice on any of these topics. Make sure you have our quote before you finally decide on your contractor.

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Image: Poorly Framed Garage Copyright Valiant Exteriors