Why Many Albertans Prefer Wood Stain for Their Cedar Siding20190313040809

Why Many Albertans Prefer Wood Stain for Their Cedar Siding

1×6 Tongue and Groove Select Tight knot Cedar Siding Even the best cedar wood can succumb to ultra violet radiation, water, mildew, fungus, and i...
Trends in Alberta Building Materials To Watch in Future20180620084930

Trends in Alberta Building Materials To Watch in Future

When the first settlers arrived in Alberta, they slept in their wagons while they cast around for materials to build their shacks. If there were trees...
How We Need to Improve Water Management in Calgary20180321120026

How We Need to Improve Water Management in Calgary

  We came across a news item concerning eleven cities most likely to run out of drinking water, as Cape Town, South Africa appears to be. We had ...
Why Insurance is a Priority When Hiring Contractors20180314060026

Why Insurance is a Priority When Hiring Contractors

We mostly insure our homes for residential purposes, and so our cover does not extend to business risks. That’s how we enter a grey area when we hire ...
Chinook Winds, Snow Melts and Failing Gutters20180307120042

Chinook Winds, Snow Melts and Failing Gutters

  Chinooks are warming winds blowing west off the ocean into Alberta, Canada, and the U.S. Pacific Northwest. These can increase temperatures fro...