Ice Dams Do Not Need Eavestroughs20221018054241
Ice Dams Do Not Need Eavestroughs
October 18, 2022attic ventilation, causes, fixes, hearing cables, ice dams, roof, solutions0 comments
Ice dams may depend on eavestroughs in the sense of hanging over them, but they sure don’t cause icycles. However, it’s still easy to get angry with t...
Dew Point: Why Outside Walls Must Breathe20190306080701
Dew Point: Why Outside Walls Must Breathe
March 6, 2019attic ventilation, breathe, calculation, calgary, dew point, exterior walls, formula, humidity, solutions, temperature0 comments
The Dew Point (DP) is the temperature to which air must cool down before water vapour saturates it. If the air cools further, the moisture ‘overflows’...