It was a real joy to watch flames flickering in the hearth, and sparks shooting up the chimney when we were kids. Little did we think then that a chimney makes a hole through the roof, and interrupts water flows. We discuss potential problems when water-proofing the interface, and share tips we have learned down the years.
Water Is Always Seeking an Easy Way Through
We have learned not to underestimate the intrusive nature of water, whether it is rain tumbling down, or snow pack lingering for weeks on the slope. The only way to fix a leak at this point, is to seal the source, and that invariably is the flashing where the chimney enters the roof.
Ideally, this should not be too difficult for skilled hands, because the rain or snow should not concentrate there. But there is one unfortunate exception we encounter occasionally. This happens when the home designer puts appearance above roofing logic, as we illustrate in our image for today.
Why Valleys behind Chimneys are Bad News
Roof valleys are supposed to funnel moisture away to collection points. These generally work well, provided there is nothing to obstruct the flow. Locating a valley behind a chimney defies this logic, yet surprisingly we still come across examples such as the one we share here.
We had a similar case a while ago, where the chimney impeded the flow of water on not just one, but two sides. We knew we could flash around it to our heart’s content, but eventually the water would find a way through. We had to stop this potential leak at the source, but this was further up the roof. What were we to do?
We Had to Build a Double Chimney Cricket!

We have no idea where the name ‘chimney cricket’ came from, but, as you can see from this image, it is a brilliantly simple idea, and it works! The opposing sides deflect the water away before it reaches the chimney. We have found this to be the perfect solution on many jobs.
We invite you to contact Valiant Exteriors in Calgary, at any time you need help with the exterior of your home or business. We have been in the game for over a decade, but we have never ceased believing every customer is special, and deserves our attention at all times.
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Setting the Right Gutter Slope
A Hole Through a Roof With Problems (Image© Valiant Exteriors)