Fixing Siding Over DensGlass Sheathing

DensGlass sheathing has been on the market for over thirty years. We have noticed an uptick in inner-city construction. However, relatively high cost still makes it less popular in residential projects.

The material may however be appropriate for sheathing homes despite the added cost. That’s because it temporarily weatherproofs during extended construction periods. A DensGlass sheath adds a fibreglass lining around a gypsum core, thereby repelling moisture, water, mould and deterioration better than the standard product.


More Advantages From DensGlass Sheathing


The manufacturer claims their design adds value to a wide range of non-fire rated and fire-rated assemblies. Their fiberglass mat-faced gypsum board also “provides a rigid substrate for a wide variety of air- or water-resistant barrier systems,” they say.

Moreover, they recommend DensGlass sheathing as the preferred substrate beneath brick, stone, stucco, siding, and exterior insulation and finishing systems. They add they were the first company to supply these products for walls, roofs, ceilings and floors.


Moreover, Their Sheathing is Weather Resistant


DensGlass sheathing  may resist direct exposure to weather, before the addition of brick, stone, stucco, siding, and exterior insulation and finishing systems. This is useful in commercial construction projects that follow a ‘production line’ process.

For example, one subcontractor may complete all the exterior sheathing, before another adds the architect’s choice of external finishing. Similarly, a contractor may install all the tub and shower units before adding the roof according to Builder-Questions.Com.

Moreover, there are times when a residential structure also benefits from the production line approach of adding all the DensGlass sheathing first. This may well survive a spell of bad weather, although we recommend limiting the risk by adding the siding as soon as possible.


The Warranty Offered by Georgia Pacific


Georgia Pacific warrants its DensGlass sheathing provided it “has been accorded treatment which is considered good practice in the building industry regarding handling, finishing, storage and maintenance of such products”.

Moreover, “improper design or installation of any portion or component of the structure, or failure or distortion of the walls, foundation or any other portion or component of the structure, including settling of the building or movement of framing member” may invalidate the cover.

Valiant Exteriors has extensive experience of the DensGlass sheath system. We know from experience that the product does not hold fasteners well. The photo below is from a recent project, where we used horizontal metal bands as a workaround solution.

Please give us a call at 403-829-1661 if you need more advice on the most appropriate, most cost effective way to weather-proof your home. We are Calgary’s experts and we live in the city. We know what will work well from our own experience.

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Images ©Valiant Exteriors Limited