Adding Eavestroughs to Round Turrets20250204075847

Adding Eavestroughs to Round Turrets

In olden times our ancestors built castles to protect themselves against their enemies. At first, these were simple walls looking down on embankments ...
Scupper Collector Boxes in Eavestroughs20250128053458

Scupper Collector Boxes in Eavestroughs

Scupper collector boxes, also known as ‘leader heads’ and ‘rain heads’, are funnel-shaped eavestrough accessories between gutters and downspouts. Corr...
A Bird’s Eye View on Properties20241223064655

A Bird’s Eye View on Properties

When we’re clambering on a roof, or balancing on a tall ladder, it is difficult to take accurate measurements, or gain perspective. Until EagleView ar...
Draining An Upper Half-Hipped Roof20240918065445

Draining An Upper Half-Hipped Roof

Perhaps you are wondering why we chose the title ‘Draining An Upper Half-Hipped Roof’ for this article. The real estate industry has a number of fairl...
Gutter Hangars Save Time and Money20240906013152

Gutter Hangars Save Time and Money

We only use aluminum K-Style gutters on our projects, because they offer our clients the best value for money. Customers sometimes question the reason...
The Frustrations of Uneven Fascia Boards20240102062617

The Frustrations of Uneven Fascia Boards

There are several givens in home construction we cannot change, and do a decent job at the same time. The ones we work with most are the need to keep ...
Why Proper Roof Drainage Really Matters20230719045221

Why Proper Roof Drainage Really Matters

The force of water is a mighty powerful thing. Ponder over the depth and width of the Grand Canyon for a moment. And then turn your attention to the f...
Custom Angled Endcaps for Eavestroughs20230712064439

Custom Angled Endcaps for Eavestroughs

At Valiant Exteriors we believe that if a job is worth doing, then it is worth doing well, and this applies to eavestrough systems too. We wish we cou...
How to Avoid Frozen Gutters20230321054450

How to Avoid Frozen Gutters

Water will freeze faster when it is not flowing, and that’s because the motion that jumbled the molecules in the water has ceased. That’s why ri...
Nowhere to Attach the Gutters20230104065431

Nowhere to Attach the Gutters

The building in our image is an eavestrough-installer’s dilemma. They arrive on site to quote, but find there’s nowhere to attach the gutters. We’re i...