Can I Decorate the Exterior in Winter?20240227052218

Can I Decorate the Exterior in Winter?

Most of us prefer to do our home decorating on warm, dry summer days, when the paint dries quickly, and there is less chance of the weather deteriorat...
How to Avoid Frozen Gutters20230321054450

How to Avoid Frozen Gutters

Water will freeze faster when it is not flowing, and that’s because the motion that jumbled the molecules in the water has ceased. That’s why ri...
Stacking Asphalt Shingles Safely on a Roof20200506025735

Stacking Asphalt Shingles Safely on a Roof

The average asphalt strip-shingle measures 12 inches by 36 inches. Manufacturers supply them in packs since they are quite brittle until laid. The ave...
Can You Get a Cheaper Roof Job in Winter?20191231051235

Can You Get a Cheaper Roof Job in Winter?

Folk sometimes call us for a winter roof repair or replacement expecting a cheaper job. They seem to expect us to work for less in low season. Then we...
Winter Time Can Be Good for Exterior Work20191112223512

Winter Time Can Be Good for Exterior Work

Winter can be a good time to get your eavestroughs, siding and soffit repairs done. However, many clients are unaware of the benefits, although others...
The Science of Attic Ventilation in Residential Homes20190123040248

The Science of Attic Ventilation in Residential Homes

Attic ventilation is not a hit and miss affair. The technology evolved through a systematic understanding of the interaction between buildings, and th...
Why Winter Is a Good Time to Have Your Siding Done20181012055921

Why Winter Is a Good Time to Have Your Siding Done

Clients sometimes wonder how we keep going successfully all year round, given we work on the outside of homes in Calgary, southern Alberta. While we d...
Managing Freezing, Thawing and Heaving Driveways with Gutters and Eavestroughs20180523063627

Managing Freezing, Thawing and Heaving Driveways with Gutters and Eavestroughs

Most liquids shrink when they cool to freezing, because the molecules slow down and cluster together. However, water behaves differently after it cool...