Are Eavestroughs and Gutters the Same

We usually refer to eavestroughing as an entire system, comprising both the gutters and the down pipes draining them. However, we separate our quotes into gutter cost and pipe cost. That way, our customers know the relative value of the two components and can compare.

Semantics Aside Why Do We Call Them Gutters?

Wikipedia explains there are actually two types of gutters. They are, and we quote:

  • Rain gutters, being narrow troughs or ducts collecting rainwater from the roof of buildings, and diverting it away from the structure typically into a drain.
  • Street gutters, in other words depressions running alongside city streets usually at the curb, and diverting water away from the street and into a storm drain.

However, we are also aware of other uses for the word, that owes its origin to the Old French expression ‘gotiere’, meaning ‘cutting grooves in’ which we may do in the garden after heavy rain. ‘Gutters’ are also spaces between columns of printed text in newspapers, to complete the picture.

So How Do I Know Which Gutter It Is?

Blue River Gutters in Huntsville, Alabama says clients still don’t quite understand what ‘eavestrough’ means. They explain it’s a composite expression, meaning ‘troughs for eaves’, which in fact is exactly what they are.

Building contractors in Calgary speak of eavestrough systems along roof edges, that capture rain and snow melt flowing down. We agree this term makes sense, because if we ordered gutters we could get one of several different things. Whereas, if a customer asks if we do quality eavestroughs, we can say with assurance that we do.

But there’s still one more small matter to consider, and that’s how you spell the word. One trusted resource told us it first appeared in print in 1813 as eaves-trough, and then in 1817 as eave trough. Although by 1870 eavestrough was more popular in Canada and United States.

Speak to Valiant Exteriors for the Real Thing

Make sure to get a quote from us before you order your eavestrough system, comprising gutters, and pipes to drain water from your eaves in Calgary. Although we will be delighted to help if you are after seamless aluminum gutters and down pipes too.

We are a small, family-owned business that believes in telling things the way they are. You can trust Valiant Exteriors for a fair deal, and a warranty you can solidly rely on.

More About Eavestroughs and Gutters

Beware False Promises on Old Gutters

Why Are There Different Roof Gutters?

Classic Eavestrough System at a School in Westphalia, Germany (Dietmar Rabich BY CC 4.0)