Calgary Roofers Still Face Shortfalls20210727020035

Calgary Roofers Still Face Shortfalls

The material shortages still linger in Calgary supply chains, despite us being over the worst COVID-19 hump. That’s because many of the big players up...
How Great Reset May Affect Calgary20210706022419

How Great Reset May Affect Calgary

Coming out of COVID and resuming near-normal, may affect commodity prices and cause shortages of raw materials. Barry Ritholtz writing in Bloomberg Op...
How Cloud Seeding Affects Stormy Weather20210629015829

How Cloud Seeding Affects Stormy Weather

You can’t move rain clouds from one place to another unless you are a winter gale. And you can’t stop the rain by complaining either. However, cloud s...
Supply Chain Bottlenecks in Our Industry20210622020849

Supply Chain Bottlenecks in Our Industry

In a perfect world supply adjusts to demand, and prices are stable and affordable. However, both supply and demand can fluctuate during political inst...
Proper Attic Ventilation Protects Your Roof20210608020932

Proper Attic Ventilation Protects Your Roof

Some folk think attic ventilation systems are just hot air. However, the truth is they extend your shingle life when properly installed, as well as ma...
Informal Style with Board and Batten Siding20210518054119

Informal Style with Board and Batten Siding

If your heart yearns for something different for your siding without a hefty price tag, then board and batten may suit your needs. It harks back to ea...
Vinyl Versus Fiber Siding What’s Better20210427022511

Vinyl Versus Fiber Siding What’s Better

Valiant Exteriors is adept at installing vinyl and fiber cement siding, as well as engineered wood, metal and aluminum. That’s because each type has i...
How Roof Pitch Affects Your Pocket20210303012449

How Roof Pitch Affects Your Pocket

‘Roof Pitch’ refers to the extent a roof section rises from the lowest point to the highest one.  The degree of rise is expressed in terms of the rati...
How Important Is Asphalt Granule Loss?20210222050825

How Important Is Asphalt Granule Loss?

The shingles we lay on our roofs – and very likely soon forget – about consist of three layers. First, there a base that gives them substa...
Hand-Tabbed Gutter Miters Look Good Too20210209054649

Hand-Tabbed Gutter Miters Look Good Too

When new clients ask us why their eavestroughs leak at corners, we often say it’s because the water wants to flow straight on, and not around the bend...