Leaves the Silent Enemies of Eavestroughs20191022224029
Leaves the Silent Enemies of Eavestroughs
October 22, 2019blocking, damage, debris, downpipes, eavestroughs, gutters, leaf cleaning service, leaves, overflowing, sticks, stoppages0 comments
Doctors told us elbows were the smallest things to put into our ears when we are kids. Likewise, leaves should never enter eavestroughs and down-pipes...
How Home Design Impacts Eavestroughing20190918030017
How Home Design Impacts Eavestroughing
September 18, 2019capacity, design, dormer, downpipes, eavestroughs, gable, gullies, hip, home, house, rain, roof, snow0 comments
A roof is often the last thing we look at when purchasing a home. We may give it a sideways glance before we enter, and a superficial look when we lea...
Things You May Not Know About Aluminum Metal20180801065006
Things You May Not Know About Aluminum Metal
August 1, 2018aluminum, carbon, eavestroughs, environment, fascias, gutters, history, production, soffits0 comments
Aluminum comprises around 8% of Earth’s crust, making it the third most abundant element after oxygen and silicon. However, we seldom find it in raw f...
We Pay for What We Get in the Contracting World20180718033056
We Pay for What We Get in the Contracting World
July 18, 2018building, calgary, contractor, costs, eavestroughs, quality counts, savings, siding, soffits0 comments
We get what we pay for in almost all situations. We say ‘almost’ because there must be an exception. There always are, although we cannot put our fing...
Managing Freezing, Thawing and Heaving Driveways with Gutters and Eavestroughs20180523063627
Managing Freezing, Thawing and Heaving Driveways with Gutters and Eavestroughs
May 23, 2018calgary, crack, culverts, downpipes, drains, driveway, earth, eavestroughs, fall, freeze, gutters, heave, how to avoid, lift, melt, solutions, spring, thaw, winter0 comments
Most liquids shrink when they cool to freezing, because the molecules slow down and cluster together. However, water behaves differently after it cool...