Things to Know About Snow Guards20230426082147

Things to Know About Snow Guards

Love it or hate it, winter means snow in Calgary, and another chore when we would rather be tucked up warm inside. Like most domestic tasks, it can be...
Wonder Why Some Roofs Sag?20230118013913

Wonder Why Some Roofs Sag?

A conventional roof framework is a solid structure, resting on walls on a strong foundation. A roof may be a reinforced concrete slab. However, most C...
Gutter Elbows Make Water Flow20220222081602

Gutter Elbows Make Water Flow

Did you ever take a closer look at the gutter elbows on your house, and notice how they position the straight sections in different directions? This e...
What Causes Wood Fascias to Rot?20211020013024

What Causes Wood Fascias to Rot?

We installed a new eaves trough system for a Calgary client a couple of months ago. We almost begged him to replace the fascia boards at the same time...
How Home Design Impacts Eavestroughing20190918030017

How Home Design Impacts Eavestroughing

A roof is often the last thing we look at when purchasing a home. We may give it a sideways glance before we enter, and a superficial look when we lea...