My Eavestroughs Are Raining Water – Why?20220614040120
My Eavestroughs Are Raining Water – Why?
An overflowing gutter system is more than an annoying irritation splashing windows, and saturating the garden. That’s because the pooling water sinks ...
Roof Edges and Poor Eaves Trough Overhangs20220516060826
Roof Edges and Poor Eaves Trough Overhangs
May 16, 2022alignment, drip edging, eaves troughs, fascias, gutters, overhangs, roof edges0 comments
(Image Copyright May Only Be Reused With Permission from Valiant Exteriors) We completed an eaves trough job the other day where the roof overhang was...
Debris in Eaves Troughs and Down Spouts20220322020946
Debris in Eaves Troughs and Down Spouts
March 22, 2022catchers, clean outs, debris, down pipes, downspouts, eaves troughs, guards, gutters, leaf0 comments
Debris in eaves troughs and down spouts can be a real pain, especially when they are up there out of easy reach. A call-out to clear them can turn out...
Strong Winds Are Not Gutters Friends20220207052303
Strong Winds Are Not Gutters Friends
February 7, 2022calgary, down pipes, eaves troughs, gutters, inspection, installation, repairs, storm damage0 comments
We are fresh from a job repairing wind damage to eaves troughs which included metals hangars being torn away in a gust. The best counter for this is s...
Best Gutters for Cold Climates20210824062023
Best Gutters for Cold Climates
August 24, 2021aliminum, calgary, compare, eaves troughs, gutters, seasons, temperatures, vinyl0 comments
That grand old American statesman, Benjamin Franklin, said the bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten. ...
When Gutters Catch More Than Rainwater20210810015256
When Gutters Catch More Than Rainwater
August 10, 2021calgary, down pipes, eaves troughs, gutter guards, gutters, leaves, storms, twigs0 comments
Eaves and down pipes make a great team for managing rain and melt. They carry the water along the roof edge, and down pipes to the storm water system ...
Gutters Are the ‘Foundations’ of Good Homes20210330024742
Gutters Are the ‘Foundations’ of Good Homes
While we might view our home’s foundations as solid structures the walls rest on, they too need a solid sub base to depend on. Many of us were raised ...
Hand-Tabbed Gutter Miters Look Good Too20210209054649
Hand-Tabbed Gutter Miters Look Good Too
February 9, 2021alumimum, calgary, corners, eavestroughs, gutters, hand tabbed, miters, prefabricated, seamless, strip0 comments
When new clients ask us why their eavestroughs leak at corners, we often say it’s because the water wants to flow straight on, and not around the bend...
The Best Time for Leak Spotting Gutters20210202063055
The Best Time for Leak Spotting Gutters
A leaking gutter may appear to be little more than an irritating drip down the back of our collar. However, it can create an off-putting impression if...
Eavestroughs Are Not Responsible for Ice Dams20201215074757
Eavestroughs Are Not Responsible for Ice Dams
Look up at your eavestroughs in winter, and you may see icicles hanging over them like a partly frozen waterfall. However, you can’t blame your gutter...