Water shortages in the developing world seldom come into focus in our minds. We have all the necessities we need in Calgary if we are fortunate. Why should we worry about these things as we turn the lawn sprinklers on high? Perhaps we should be less wasteful though. This could be a good time to harvest the rain in Calgary starting now.
Calgary Runs Low on Potable Water
We write this post against the background of a major water incident in our city. The main potable water feed from our treatment plant failed three weeks ago, meaning our local reservoirs could no longer replenish. The situation is gradually returning to normal as we write. Flushing the main feed continues with regular water quality testing.
We don’t appear to have done particularly well as a community during this time, although many of us heeded the call to use water sparingly. Our overall water consumption has been increasing after falling rapidly initially. We don’t even want to begin to imagine a situation where our hospitals run dry, and there is no water for fighting fires.

Is It Time to Harvest Calgary Rain Now?
This could be a wake up call to start using Calgary water more responsibly. We’re not suggesting that showering and flushing toilets less frequently should become the new normal. However, we could install a more water-efficient flushing system, and shower with the taps not fully open.
We could also, and this is just a suggestion, plant more indigenous, water-wise plants in our gardens. If global warming continues, this could become the new normal, because we might have less rain in the future.
Speaking of rain, did you ever wonder if this is a good time to harvest the rain falling in Calgary? We have noticed a big increase in interest in harvesting rain water as a result of recent events.
Our pioneering ancestors all had water tanks outside their kitchen doors. Perhaps it is time to start doing so again along the lines of our picture. Although nowadays we could fully integrate this into our plumbing if the crisis continues.
Valiant Exteriors Can Help You Harvest the Rain
Chat with us at Valiant Exteriors if you agree it is time to harvest the rain. We are one of Calgary’s leading eavestrough specialists, and adept at catching water from roofs. Reach out to us now, and we’ll provide a basic estimate free over the phone. If this meets your approval, we’ll pop by for a chat.
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Tin Roof Rain Water Needs to Drain