Clean Up After Hailstone Alley Strikes Calgary20200623060850
Clean Up After Hailstone Alley Strikes Calgary
June 23, 20202020, business, calgary, damage, hail alley, hailstorm, home, how hail works, local company, repairs0 comments
Our phones are still ringing as our beloved city cleans up the mess after the devastating June 13 hailstorm. Calgary Herald has kept us up to date wit...
The Job’s Not Always Over When You Pay20200616021641
The Job’s Not Always Over When You Pay
Several teams descended on Calgary from elsewhere after the violent June 13 hailstorm, hoping to get rich quickly. Those in the know in our industry c...
Trees You Love Can Harm Your House20200609041212
Trees You Love Can Harm Your House
June 9, 2020advice, damage, fascias, foundations, gutters, homes, houses, repairs, roofs, siding, trees, walls0 comments
Trees are truly lovely things that take decades to grow to their full glory. We love our trees too, except when they grow close to a house. Many folk ...
The Dark Stains Streaking Your Shingle Roof20200525061903
The Dark Stains Streaking Your Shingle Roof
May 25, 2020bacteria, cleaning, damage, dark stains, granules, insurance, marking, removing, shingle roof, staining, streaking0 comments
The dark stains streaking your shingle roof are likely to be the result of a species of bacteria. They may be harmless to you, but the same is not tru...
Solar Panels May Not Suit Your Roof20200520022410
Solar Panels May Not Suit Your Roof
May 20, 2020caution, fit, guarantee, install, insurance, panel weight, possible damage, problems, roof structure, solar panels, warning, warranty0 comments
The average solar panel weighs between 33 and 50 pounds, or 15 to 23 kilograms each. Some roofs may take the added strain, while others may not cope w...
It’s the Way We Install a Roof That Matters20200512020631
It’s the Way We Install a Roof That Matters
May 12, 2020alberta, asphalt, calgary, instal, quality, roof types, shingles, tips, value, water proofing0 comments
A roof is a most remarkable thing. It freed our primitive ancestors to abandon their caves, and build snug homes in plains where agriculture began. Th...
Stacking Asphalt Shingles Safely on a Roof20200506025735
Stacking Asphalt Shingles Safely on a Roof
May 6, 2020asphalt, battens, distribute weight, precautions, roofs, safe stacking, shingles, summer, temperature, winter0 comments
The average asphalt strip-shingle measures 12 inches by 36 inches. Manufacturers supply them in packs since they are quite brittle until laid. The ave...
The Minimum Roof Pitch for Regular Shingles20200429033943
The Minimum Roof Pitch for Regular Shingles
April 29, 2020calculate, criteria, measure, pitch, roof, roofing material, shingles, slope, surroundings, taste0 comments
Roof pitch refers to the steepness of a roof as a ratio relative to absolute flatness. In North America we express this as a fraction of 12. Hence a r...
Gable End Vents & How Best to Use Them20200423015832
Gable End Vents & How Best to Use Them
April 23, 2020calgary, carbon neutral, free quote, gable end vents, how it works, natural ventilation, soffit vents0 comments
Early Canadian settlers built simple straight roofs on their homes with gables at each end. It would take many decades before they could afford eaves...