The Right Shingle Colour for a Roof

Choosing the right shingle colour for a roof is a commitment that stays with us for the lifetime of the material. The Chinese feng shui philosophy says we could use the forces of colour to harmonise with our environment.

However, in practice someone else probably already stamped their personality on the property, be it the developer or the previous owner. And another person will come after us with their own ideas of colour. Therefore perhaps it’s best to work within the paradigm of what we have, and favour a more conservative approach.

First Principles when Choosing the Right Shingle Colour for a Roof

We may have to set our ideas aside, or at least modify them a little when selecting a colour for our roof. Tints have a habit of appearing darker across large expanses, so possibly we should tone down our first impressions.

First and foremost, we should aim to blend in with our surroundings. The key factors are the general style of the neighbourhood, the natural surroundings if there are any, and the overall architectural style of our home:

1… Does the roof comprise a few large expanses, or are there details we can play with …

2… Are there semi-permanent colours in the windows, doors, stone cladding etc. that are ‘givens’

3… Which colours in the range can we afford, and which three of these do we like most / like least

A Roof Makes a Big Impression Because It’s a Large Expanse

Choosing the right shingle colour for a roof becomes even more important when we realise it comprises 25 to 40% of our home’s apparent bulk. It therefore has a major impact on our home’s visible impact, or if you like what our friends and neighbours make of it.

1… The architectural style of our home should influence our decision. Is it a timeless classic or chic modern

2… Climate matters and the Calgary climate is warming.  Dark colours absorb solar heat while light ones repel it

Consider using a graphic package to simulate different tints over a photo of your home. Colour is a personal matter. We believe asphalt roof colour is a private matter in the eyes of our clients.

They tell us Valiant Exteriors is ahead of the rest in terms of our workmanship, after they chose their asphalt tints. Call (403) 829-1661 when convenient, or send us a message describing the asphalt colour of your dreams.

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