Things to Know About Snow Guards

Love it or hate it, winter means snow in Calgary, and another chore when we would rather be tucked up warm inside. Like most domestic tasks, it can be less of a bind if we take proactive steps to prevent a backlog piling up. We share ideas here about things to know about snow guards. Like what to specify and whether you need them in the first place.

What Are Snow Guards Exactly?

An operational definition would be snow guards prevent snow piling up on the roof, and crashing down that may take the gutter with it. When this happens, it may suddenly make sense to install this simple solution ahead of an incident like that.

The concept is dead simple. We don’t want the snow avalanching off the roof in a single lump, and harming people, plants, and property below. Snow guards manage the situation better than that, by controlling events.

Take the example in our photo at the start of our post. Of course, this is just one of several designs, although it serves to illustrate the principle. Guards keep the snow away from forming ice dams over the eaves and troughs. And slice it into manageable proportions when the accumulated weight causes it to break away and slide down.

So Snow Guards is a Misnomer Then?

Roof top snow management system could be a better word for it, but the term had been around for centuries and so we are probably stuck with it. Technicians install them in patterns best suited to the roof design, and with consideration to the side that catches the most snow.

Guards allow the snow to thaw in smaller portions less likely to cause an incident when lumps break loose. However, fixing them does need careful consideration so they don’t inadvertently cause water leaks. They are therefore probably not the right job for an amateur to cut their teeth on.

A Wide Variety of Designs are Available

Nowadays snow guards come in both metal and polycarbonate materials, and in a variety of colours so they blend into the roof. Some folk arrange them in patterns they consider enhances their home’s appearance, although at Valiant Exteriors we find straight rows generally work best.

Call Valiant Exteriors in Calgary on (4030) 829-1661 to learn more about this simple, practical solution. Or drop us an email in the virtual post and we’ll be sure to get back to you soon.

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Snow Guards on a Metal Roof (Tim Sing 8 BY CC 3.0 Unported)