Nowhere to Attach the Gutters20230104065431

Nowhere to Attach the Gutters

The building in our image is an eavestrough-installer’s dilemma. They arrive on site to quote, but find there’s nowhere to attach the gutters. We’re i...
You Can’t Always Trust Leaf Guards20221108011655

You Can’t Always Trust Leaf Guards

There are a variety of different leaf guard designs on the market in Calgary. However they all have the same purpose, and that is to help prevent the ...
It Pays to Have Eavestroughs in Calgary20221101082042

It Pays to Have Eavestroughs in Calgary

Roof gutters are essential in regions where rain falls regularly in significant amounts. Although you could probably do without them if you lived in a...
Beware False Promises on Old Gutters20220906085505

Beware False Promises on Old Gutters

Few things last forever in his modern world, although some eavestrough contractors may pretend otherwise.  Various natural forces inevitably take thei...
Are Rain Chains Suitable For Calgary?20220809024139

Are Rain Chains Suitable For Calgary?

Rain chains are a popular alternative to traditional eavestrough systems in Japan. They call them kusari-toi or kusari-doi there, which literally tran...
Why Should I Keep My Gutters Clean20220722101658

Why Should I Keep My Gutters Clean

Gutters, eavestroughs, call them what you like are so ‘up there’ it’s easy to forget them. That is, until they overflow outside the front door, or hor...
My Eavestroughs Are Raining Water – Why?20220614040120

My Eavestroughs Are Raining Water – Why?

An overflowing gutter system is more than an annoying irritation splashing windows, and saturating the garden. That’s because the pooling water sinks ...
Gutters Are the ‘Foundations’ of Good Homes20210330024742

Gutters Are the ‘Foundations’ of Good Homes

While we might view our home’s foundations as solid structures the walls rest on, they too need a solid sub base to depend on. Many of us were raised ...
Hand-Tabbed Gutter Miters Look Good Too20210209054649

Hand-Tabbed Gutter Miters Look Good Too

When new clients ask us why their eavestroughs leak at corners, we often say it’s because the water wants to flow straight on, and not around the bend...
Eavestroughs Are Not Responsible for Ice Dams20201215074757

Eavestroughs Are Not Responsible for Ice Dams

Look up at your eavestroughs in winter, and you may see icicles hanging over them like a partly frozen waterfall. However, you can’t blame your gutter...