Custom Angled Endcaps for Eavestroughs20230712064439
Custom Angled Endcaps for Eavestroughs
At Valiant Exteriors we believe that if a job is worth doing, then it is worth doing well, and this applies to eavestrough systems too. We wish we cou...
How to Avoid Frozen Gutters20230321054450
How to Avoid Frozen Gutters
Water will freeze faster when it is not flowing, and that’s because the motion that jumbled the molecules in the water has ceased. That’s why ri...
Eavestroughs Are More Than Gutters20230131045844
Eavestroughs Are More Than Gutters
We had a customer ask us the other day, how come your eavestroughs seem so expensive. Surely all you do is hang a few gutters and add a couple of down...
Nowhere to Attach the Gutters20230104065431
Nowhere to Attach the Gutters
The building in our image is an eavestrough-installer’s dilemma. They arrive on site to quote, but find there’s nowhere to attach the gutters. We’re i...
You Can’t Always Trust Leaf Guards20221108011655
You Can’t Always Trust Leaf Guards
There are a variety of different leaf guard designs on the market in Calgary. However they all have the same purpose, and that is to help prevent the ...
It Pays to Have Eavestroughs in Calgary20221101082042
It Pays to Have Eavestroughs in Calgary
Roof gutters are essential in regions where rain falls regularly in significant amounts. Although you could probably do without them if you lived in a...
How to Evaluate Quality Rainware20221011054747
How to Evaluate Quality Rainware
We get what we pay for in a highly competitive world. There’s usually a good reason why some products cost more than others. No company can survive lo...
Beware False Promises on Old Gutters20220906085505
Beware False Promises on Old Gutters
Few things last forever in his modern world, although some eavestrough contractors may pretend otherwise. Various natural forces inevitably take thei...
Why Should I Keep My Gutters Clean20220722101658
Why Should I Keep My Gutters Clean
Gutters, eavestroughs, call them what you like are so ‘up there’ it’s easy to forget them. That is, until they overflow outside the front door, or hor...
Why Keep Trees Away From The House20220621064842