Things to Know About Snow Guards20230426082147

Things to Know About Snow Guards

Love it or hate it, winter means snow in Calgary, and another chore when we would rather be tucked up warm inside. Like most domestic tasks, it can be...
How Great Reset May Affect Calgary20210706022419

How Great Reset May Affect Calgary

Coming out of COVID and resuming near-normal, may affect commodity prices and cause shortages of raw materials. Barry Ritholtz writing in Bloomberg Op...
How Roof Pitch Affects Your Pocket20210303012449

How Roof Pitch Affects Your Pocket

‘Roof Pitch’ refers to the extent a roof section rises from the lowest point to the highest one.  The degree of rise is expressed in terms of the rati...
Responsible Recycling of Asphalt Shingles20200901052056

Responsible Recycling of Asphalt Shingles

A typical asphalt shingle is a composite product comprising an asphalt-impregnated mat within a granular / aggregate surface. The mat is the matrix th...
Why We Use K-Style Profile Gutters on Our Jobs20181219044042

Why We Use K-Style Profile Gutters on Our Jobs

A gutter is a conduit for conveying water away. The word comes from the Roman ‘gutta’ meaning a ‘drop, spot, or mark’. Gutters have various names incl...
Quality Takes Time, And Therefore So Do Our Jobs20180815073906

Quality Takes Time, And Therefore So Do Our Jobs

Quality takes time, and so do our jobs because both are close to our hearts. Our work is meticulous and we want to be proud of everything we do. Even ...