Can I Decorate the Exterior in Winter?20240227052218
Can I Decorate the Exterior in Winter?
February 27, 2024ambient, brushes, calgary, curing, exterior, paint, painting, surface, temperature, winter0 comments
Most of us prefer to do our home decorating on warm, dry summer days, when the paint dries quickly, and there is less chance of the weather deteriorat...
Stacking Asphalt Shingles Safely on a Roof20200506025735
Stacking Asphalt Shingles Safely on a Roof
May 6, 2020asphalt, battens, distribute weight, precautions, roofs, safe stacking, shingles, summer, temperature, winter0 comments
The average asphalt strip-shingle measures 12 inches by 36 inches. Manufacturers supply them in packs since they are quite brittle until laid. The ave...
The Stack Effect As It Applies to Homes20190731013642
The Stack Effect As It Applies to Homes
July 31, 2019air buoyancy, cladding, costs, density differences, health, hvac, moisture, siding, stack effect, temperature0 comments
The stack effect is the movement of air in and out of buildings on account of buoyancy. This buoyancy is due to indoor-outdoor density contrasts cause...
Dew Point: Why Outside Walls Must Breathe20190306080701
Dew Point: Why Outside Walls Must Breathe
March 6, 2019attic ventilation, breathe, calculation, calgary, dew point, exterior walls, formula, humidity, solutions, temperature0 comments
The Dew Point (DP) is the temperature to which air must cool down before water vapour saturates it. If the air cools further, the moisture ‘overflows’...
Why a Rain and Ice Shield is Necessary on a Roof20190206063656
Why a Rain and Ice Shield is Necessary on a Roof
Roofs are generally-speaking intended to control the flow of water traveling down the slope. Hence the lower edge of an upper tile or sheet overlaps t...
How Soffits Protect the Soft Undersides of Roof Edges20180117080007
How Soffits Protect the Soft Undersides of Roof Edges
January 17, 2018condensation, eaves, edge, energy cost, roof, snow melt, soffit, soffits, temperature, ventilation, vents0 comments
Roofs are sealed systems, but with provision for some air to circulate to prevent the attic getting muggy. Their weakest point is where they overhang ...