Can I Decorate the Exterior in Winter?

Most of us prefer to do our home decorating on warm, dry summer days, when the paint dries quickly, and there is less chance of the weather deteriorating. However, the time may come when we wonder can I decorate the exterior in winter, for whatever good reason we may have?

The short answer is ‘yes you can, but remember …’ We discuss the criteria we would consider if a client approached us. We grouped the reasons together under five considerations to make this article easier to follow.

5 Considerations Before Exterior Decorating in Winter

Is It Warm Enough to Paint in Calgary?

Study the label on the paint pot. As a general rule the cut-off point is 35 degrees fahrenheit, Many acrylic latex paints can tolerate a temperature as low as that. However, if the label does not confirm this, then we recommend you find another paint.

However, Do Remember to Check the Surface You Are Painting

The Spruce points out that the surface of the material you are painting is actually the critical factor. This can be 10 degrees fahrenheit cooler than the ambient reading during a thaw. Get yourself an infrared thermometer if in any doubt. These do not have to be expensive, Removing a failed coat of paint is the last thing you need on a cold winter’s day!

There’s More To the Decision Than Just the Paint

A paint specifically manufactured for application in cold weather should perform better than a standard one with additives. The surface temperature should remain above the minimum throughout the curing period. Paint thickens when it is cold, so we recommend polyester or nylon brushes.

Cold Paint Takes Longer to Dry Between Coats

Allow more more time between coats when it is cold, so each one dries completely. You may need to allow an entire day per coat. Plan your project accordingly.

Can I Decorate the Exterior in Winter With Frozen Paint?

Water-based paint freezes at 32 degrees fahrenheit, while oil-based can survive even when colder than that. While you patently cannot decorate with frozen paint, you may be able to decorate with thawed paint that has been through several freeze-thaw cycles. However, if you can’t stir in the lumps, then you can’t use the paint.

Ask Valiant Exteriors Before Attempting a Paint Job in Winter

Valiant Exteriors delivers a quality waterproofing and decorating service at affordable prices for all exterior surfaces in Calgary. Please contact us to determine whether we can be of assistance, and deliver quality service at all times.

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The Dead of Winter Calgary 2017 (Daniel BY CC 2.0 Generic)