Asphalt Roof Shingle Warranty Claims20210830073044
Asphalt Roof Shingle Warranty Claims
A decent asphalt shingle installer attaches every sheet with the same level of attention. They also replace any that chip or snap in the process, or a...
Asphalt Interlocking T-Shingles20200923060744
Asphalt Interlocking T-Shingles
September 23, 2020asphalt shingles, hail, insurance, interlocking, local, repairs, replacement, roof leaks, t-locks, warranty, wind0 comments
A new breed of interlocking asphalt shingles arrived in North America in the 1930’s. Marketers claimed they were the ultimate defence against high win...
Solar Panels May Not Suit Your Roof20200520022410
Solar Panels May Not Suit Your Roof
May 20, 2020caution, fit, guarantee, install, insurance, panel weight, possible damage, problems, roof structure, solar panels, warning, warranty0 comments
The average solar panel weighs between 33 and 50 pounds, or 15 to 23 kilograms each. Some roofs may take the added strain, while others may not cope w...