Ups and Downs of Metal Siding20220419010045

Ups and Downs of Metal Siding

Metal siding is chic and cool wrapped up in style. There’s no doubt about its ability to make a fashion statement. It immediately presents itself as a...
Inspecting the Edges of Your Roof20220301015709

Inspecting the Edges of Your Roof

The edges of your roof are not just there to carry rainwater and melt from your doors and windows. Although this can be just as important as having de...
Gutter Elbows Make Water Flow20220222081602

Gutter Elbows Make Water Flow

Did you ever take a closer look at the gutter elbows on your house, and notice how they position the straight sections in different directions? This e...
Strong Winds Are Not Gutters Friends20220207052303

Strong Winds Are Not Gutters Friends

We are fresh from a job repairing wind damage to eaves troughs which included metals hangars being torn away in a gust. The best counter for this is s...
$3,000 Rebate on Your New Calgary Roof20220131053425

$3,000 Rebate on Your New Calgary Roof

The 2021 severe hailstorm awoke Calgary to the challenges home owners face as climate change begins to bite. The scars of that extreme weather event a...
What You Should Know Fascia Cladding20220126003220

What You Should Know Fascia Cladding

‘Fascia’ in architecture refers to the vertical strip running directly beneath a roof edge, and often attached to the lower end of the rafters.  There...
Downspout Extensions to Protect Foundations20220104032707

Downspout Extensions to Protect Foundations

Drip lines beneath your eaves troughs, and water pooling above your foundations are indications something is wrong with your roof drainage system. The...
Why Choose Aluminum Soffits and Fascias20211116060321

Why Choose Aluminum Soffits and Fascias

Soffits and fascias are essential to protect raw roof timbers from the elements. And help keep the building warmer or cooler, thereby saving on HVAC c...
How De-Icing Cables Defrost Your Roof20211102070838

How De-Icing Cables Defrost Your Roof

Ice can block eaves troughs and down pipes when a deep winter freeze strikes. The freeze can also cover over roof sections covering overhanging eaves....
The Mark of Quality Eaves Troughs20211026060107

The Mark of Quality Eaves Troughs

People often ask us why new eaves troughs cost so much, when they seem such simple things. We usually explain they take time and money to put up, and ...