Butt Joint Flashing for Fiber Siding20240123045455

Butt Joint Flashing for Fiber Siding

If you had new siding installed by another contractor, but find spots of damp on your inside walls, it is possible they did not waterproof the butt jo...
How to Walk on Concrete Roof Tiles Carefully20200212020420

How to Walk on Concrete Roof Tiles Carefully

Concrete and other roof tiles hang over a framework to which their upper ends attach with nails. Their lower ends rest on the upper ends of the tiles ...
How to Choose the Best Siding Colour20200121213118

How to Choose the Best Siding Colour

Choosing the right combination of tints is a watershed decision. That’s because you can’t change the colour of vinyl, or easily match the robustness o...
Clay and Concrete Roof Tiles the Differences20190703055756

Clay and Concrete Roof Tiles the Differences

Clients regularly ask us whether we recommend clay or concrete roof tiles. At the end of the day we believe the decision is more a matter of personal ...
Stucco, Ancient Art with Exciting Future20190320023100

Stucco, Ancient Art with Exciting Future

Stucco with its distinct texture © Valiant Exteriors The dividing line between stucco and plaster / rendering is vague, although stucco is more a deco...
Remarkable Bricks Are The Building Blocks of Civilization20181017032027

Remarkable Bricks Are The Building Blocks of Civilization

Brick are solid rectangular objects used in construction. Builders use them to make walls, paving, accessories and decoration. While the term traditio...
Fibre Cement Over Vinyl Siding: Is It Worth the Cost?20180530052332

Fibre Cement Over Vinyl Siding: Is It Worth the Cost?

Given the expense of buying and maintaining a home, it is no wonder so many Calgary homeowners choose vinyl over fibre. However, fibre siding wins han...