Weeping Tiles What’s Behind the Name?20190605013938
Weeping Tiles What’s Behind the Name?
Weeping Tile Installed Under Patio © Valiant Exteriors A long time ago it’s possible ancient romans used perforated clay tiles to carry water away ben...
Waterproofing at Deck / Wall Transition Points20190529013010
Waterproofing at Deck / Wall Transition Points
May 29, 2019deck, how to avoid, how to repair, leaks, points, rotting, siding, transition, wall, waterproofing, wood0 comments
Fairly Severe Water Damage © Valiant Exteriors There’s more to the construction of wooden decks that usually meets the eye. They comprise a supporting...
Using Metal Flashing with Asphalt Shingles20190522020501
Using Metal Flashing with Asphalt Shingles
Insufficient Drip Edge on Asphalt Shingle Roof: © Valiant Exteriors Some eavestroughs fail to do their job properly because water drips down from the ...
How Galvanizing Delays Steel Corrosion20190515031455
How Galvanizing Delays Steel Corrosion
May 15, 2019acic rain, corrosion, galvanization, galvanizing, hot-dipped, prevention, rust, zinc0 comments
Corrosion or rusting occurs when iron or steel react with oxygen in the presence of moisture. In time, the metal may convert entirely to rust and disi...
Things You May Not Know About Asphalt20190507012248
Things You May Not Know About Asphalt
May 7, 20190 comments
Asphalt, also known as bitumen in the trade, is a semi-solid form of petroleum in a sticky, black, and highly viscous state. Approximately 70% of glob...
Hail Resistant Options for Asphalt Shingles20190502053856
Roof Sheathing And Replacement Costs20190424012640
Roof Sheathing And Replacement Costs
April 24, 2019insulation, osb, plywood, replacement cost, roof sheathing, shingles, strand board, synthetic, tiles, timber, underlay, waterproofing0 comments
A roof stripped down to the very basics comprises a frame resting on walls, and a covering over it to complete the building envelope. There are many d...
How Vinyl Decking and Cladding Transformed a Home20190417014602
How Vinyl Decking and Cladding Transformed a Home
April 17, 2019decking, fences, keep vinyl clean, low maintenace solution, pvc, railings, vinyl0 comments
Killarney 4-Plex BEFORE Valiant Exteriors Upgrade © We did a major workover of a tired looking 4-Plex in Killarney that cause quite a stir. The job in...
Is PVC Vinyl Decking a Good Solution?20190410025506
Is PVC Vinyl Decking a Good Solution?
April 10, 2019advantages, artificial, clean, colour, decking, disadvantages, feel, maintain, pvc, sheen, stain, vinyl0 comments
PVC vinyl decking is a relatively new product having only arrived around 2005. It is one of the more expensive options although long life and easy mai...