Signs of Failing Attic Insulation20191204014533
Signs of Failing Attic Insulation
December 4, 2019attic, dripping, energy bills, ice dams, insulation, rodents, roof, sheathing, tips, warning signs0 comments
Warm air rises. That’s why we need attic insulation to keep our houses snug inside. Warm, moist air condenses when it meets cooler air. That’s why the...
Eavestroughs on Turrets and Curves20191126040739
Eavestroughs on Turrets and Curves
November 26, 2019calgary, cost, curves, eavestroughs, gutters, industry specialists, solutions, turrets0 comments
The word ‘turret’ came down to us from the Italian ‘toretta’ meaning a little tower on a castle. These protruded from straight walls providing a prote...
Gutters, Grading and Water Management20191120032001
Gutters, Grading and Water Management
November 20, 2019answers, downpipes, flows, grading, gutters, pooling, site, slopes, solutions, terrain, water management0 comments
Precipitation pools and soaks away on level ground, because it is spread over an area. If the terrain slopes, then it flows away along established rou...
Winter Time Can Be Good for Exterior Work20191112223512
Winter Time Can Be Good for Exterior Work
November 12, 2019calgary, downpipes, eavestroughs, exterior, fascias, gutters, price, quality, repairs, service, siding, soffits, winter0 comments
Winter can be a good time to get your eavestroughs, siding and soffit repairs done. However, many clients are unaware of the benefits, although others...
Roof Types and Challenges for Gutters20191105213131
Roof Types and Challenges for Gutters
November 5, 2019calgary, cross gabled, eavestroughs, flat, gabled, gutters, half hipped, hipped, mono pitch, roof, types0 comments
There are many different roof types in the world, although some are more popular in Calgary. Sometimes these are a matter of personal preference. On o...
Leaves the Silent Enemies of Eavestroughs20191022224029
Leaves the Silent Enemies of Eavestroughs
October 22, 2019blocking, damage, debris, downpipes, eavestroughs, gutters, leaf cleaning service, leaves, overflowing, sticks, stoppages0 comments
Doctors told us elbows were the smallest things to put into our ears when we are kids. Likewise, leaves should never enter eavestroughs and down-pipes...
How Fascia Affects Gutter Replacement20191016013909
How Fascia Affects Gutter Replacement
October 16, 2019affects, attaches, channel, eavestrough, fascia, get advice, gutter, hidden dangers, rotting wood0 comments
Did you ever wonder where the word ‘gutter’ comes from? Even if you did Latin at school you may not realise the Roman word ‘gutta’ means a “droplet’. ...
Why Our Minimum Charges are Fair20191009021948
Why Our Minimum Charges are Fair
October 9, 2019calgary, canada, contingencies, eavestroughing, margins, minimum charges, rates, roofing, siding0 comments
Every now and then a customer calls in and says ‘I have a quick job for you if you need a stocking-filler’. They may be a regular or a new client. How...
Fixing Siding Over DensGlass Sheathing20190930045858
Fixing Siding Over DensGlass Sheathing
September 30, 2019advantages, densglass, envelope, fasteners, fibreglass, gypsum, sheath, sheathing, tips, weatherproofing, when to use0 comments
DensGlass sheathing has been on the market for over thirty years. We have noticed an uptick in inner-city construction. However, relatively high cost ...