Eavestroughs on Turrets and Curves

The word ‘turret’ came down to us from the Italian ‘toretta’ meaning a little tower on a castle. These protruded from straight walls providing a protective defensive position. This helped counter a castle’s second-greatest threat – an enemy scaling the walls when they could not conquer the entrance gate.

Moreover, the defenders could hurl stones and burning oil down on the enemy while under a roof that kept falling arrows at bay. When peace came to Europe these quaint devices became architectural features as castles converted to palaces.

Adapting Straight Gutters to Round Turrets

Folk didn’t bother much about eavestroughs in medieval times. Turret roofs rose to a single central point as they usually still do today. If anything, the rainwater and melt pouring down would have helped deter attackers climbing up. Moreover, there was little danger of foundation erosion because castles were built on solid rock.

Nowadays of course, rainwater pouring down today’s turret walls is a distinct disadvantage. That’s because the windows are wet, and you need an umbrella when entering a door from outside. Moreover, behind the scenes moisture can be flowing around the foundations and weakening them.

Therefore Every Turret Needs an Eavestrough, But How?

We extrude our aluminum eavestroughs on site. They emerge straight as can be. However, we can’t bend them because the profile is shaped to prevent distortion. There are two ways we can work around this problem:

  • Order a special, purpose made gutter that follows the correct curve
  • Resolve the problem by cutting an aluminum eavestrough into small sections

However, neither of these two solutions is ‘picture perfect’. In the first instance, the engineering shop fabricates the curved gutter from flat sheets and it will look different from our k-style extruded lengths.

And secondly, the joined-up small sections won’t follow a perfect curve. We also have to introduce additional joints to meet the radius. Every one of these is a potential leak, which is why you should award the job to Calgary’s eavestrough specialists.

Both these solutions also cost quite a bit more than a straight run of gutters. The additional expense is mainly labour, but we hope you’ll agree your home needs the skilled hands of industry specialist’s to keep it looking good and trouble-free.

Please Contact Us for Further Information

You are most welcome to call us at (403)829-1661, send a fax to (403)532-9505, or post an email to [email protected] if you need further information. We are local residents, and just like you we live in Calgary too. We hope you agree that’s a good start!

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Images ©Valiant Exteriors Ltd.