End Damming Over Doors and Windows20190710003330
End Damming Over Doors and Windows
July 10, 2019alberta, building code, calgary, canada, doors, end damming, flashing, sealing, waterproofing, windows0 comments
Capillary action is great for trees and plants, because it allows water to flow from the roots all the way up to the leaves. However, water’s ability ...
Can You Lay Asphalt Shingles Over Old Ones?20190626065708
Can You Lay Asphalt Shingles Over Old Ones?
June 26, 2019asphalt, calgary, cons, pros, questions, replace, second layer, shingle, what's best0 comments
Can You Lay Asphalt Shingles Over Old Ones? The simple answer is you could add a second layer, provided the old one still forms a solid base. I...
Sudden Hailstorms over Calgary in June20190618074127
Sudden Hailstorms over Calgary in June
June 18, 2019alberta, calgary, canada, causes, extreme, global warming, hailstorms, reasons, sudden, trends, violent0 comments
Thunder storms are a common event all over Alberta in June, when towering cumulonimbus clouds gather. These are huge amounts of water vapor carried up...
Weeping Tiles What’s Behind the Name?20190605013938
Weeping Tiles What’s Behind the Name?
Weeping Tile Installed Under Patio © Valiant Exteriors A long time ago it’s possible ancient romans used perforated clay tiles to carry water away ben...
Hail Resistant Options for Asphalt Shingles20190502053856
Is It Time to Replace Your Asphalt Roof Shingles or Is The Damage Cosmetic?20190327063153
Is It Time to Replace Your Asphalt Roof Shingles or Is The Damage Cosmetic?
March 27, 2019aging, alberta, answers, asphalt, calgary, cracking, curling, leaking, missing, roof, shingles, solutions, warping0 comments
A shingle roof comprises a large number of identical overlapping sheets laid in rows from the bottom up. However unlike tiles, these lie flat against ...
Stucco, Ancient Art with Exciting Future20190320023100
Stucco, Ancient Art with Exciting Future
March 20, 2019aggregate, binder, calgary, canada, cement, history, lime, modern, origin, plaster, portland, rendering, siding, stucco, water0 comments
Stucco with its distinct texture © Valiant Exteriors The dividing line between stucco and plaster / rendering is vague, although stucco is more a deco...
Why Many Albertans Prefer Wood Stain for Their Cedar Siding20190313040809
Why Many Albertans Prefer Wood Stain for Their Cedar Siding
March 13, 2019alberta, binder, calgary, compare, contrast, pigment, solvent, varnish, which is better, wood stain0 comments
1×6 Tongue and Groove Select Tight knot Cedar Siding Even the best cedar wood can succumb to ultra violet radiation, water, mildew, fungus, and i...
Dew Point: Why Outside Walls Must Breathe20190306080701
Dew Point: Why Outside Walls Must Breathe
March 6, 2019attic ventilation, breathe, calculation, calgary, dew point, exterior walls, formula, humidity, solutions, temperature0 comments
The Dew Point (DP) is the temperature to which air must cool down before water vapour saturates it. If the air cools further, the moisture ‘overflows’...
Introduction to Window Types Available in Canada20190220001059
Introduction to Window Types Available in Canada
February 20, 2019awning, calgary, canada, casement, glass, glazing, hung, insulation, sliding, tilt, types, window, zone0 comments
The first windows were holes in walls that people closed by stuffing vegetation in to keep the wind out. Later, someone had the bright idea of using w...