Combining Roof and Gutter Replacement20200131064100

Combining Roof and Gutter Replacement

There may be good reasons for combining roof and gutter replacement. The roof goes up faster when there are no gutters in the way, and you can colour-...
Eavestroughs on Turrets and Curves20191126040739

Eavestroughs on Turrets and Curves

The word ‘turret’ came down to us from the Italian ‘toretta’ meaning a little tower on a castle. These protruded from straight walls providing a prote...
The Shingle Look Without the Annual Effort20190911040609

The Shingle Look Without the Annual Effort

Wooden shakes are part of Canada’s architectural heritage. That’s because pioneering settlers could split them from straight-grained bolts of wood usi...
Open and Closed Valleys with Shingles20190828031411

Open and Closed Valleys with Shingles

Valleys form in nature where hills slope towards each other and merge. Two flows  of water gather at this point, and find their way further as a strea...
Clay and Concrete Roof Tiles the Differences20190703055756

Clay and Concrete Roof Tiles the Differences

Clients regularly ask us whether we recommend clay or concrete roof tiles. At the end of the day we believe the decision is more a matter of personal ...
Pre-Painting Aluminum Coil Avoids Spraying in the Field20181114062837

Pre-Painting Aluminum Coil Avoids Spraying in the Field

Customers sometimes ask us why we install pre-painted seamless aluminum gutters, instead of coating them on site. We believe the factory-coated produc...
Why Engineered Wood is Better that Real Wood for Exterior Applications20180725050845

Why Engineered Wood is Better that Real Wood for Exterior Applications

If you are longing to give your Calgary home a traditional siding effect, or just add trim around the doors and windows, you may be asking is there an...
Fibre Cement Over Vinyl Siding: Is It Worth the Cost?20180530052332

Fibre Cement Over Vinyl Siding: Is It Worth the Cost?

Given the expense of buying and maintaining a home, it is no wonder so many Calgary homeowners choose vinyl over fibre. However, fibre siding wins han...
Vinyl Siding: An Effective Solution With a Great Heritage20180207080024

Vinyl Siding: An Effective Solution With a Great Heritage

Siding is the first line of defence against wind and storms under the roof. It attaches to the sides of buildings as either cladding over frames, or a...