What’s in The Colour of Siding?20210420021912

What’s in The Colour of Siding?

What’s in the colour of siding you may well ask. Can we do our own thing, and express our personality? Or are there other aspects we should consider? ...
Financial Support Available to Our Customers20200707022507

Financial Support Available to Our Customers

The COVID-19 pandemic is proving a tough time for all of us. The economy is down and we doubt there’s a single Canadian unaffected. We have managed to...
Trees You Love Can Harm Your House20200609041212

Trees You Love Can Harm Your House

Trees are truly lovely things that take decades to grow to their full glory. We love our trees too, except when they grow close to a house. Many folk ...
Less Face-to-Face Contact in Our Business20200324083250

Less Face-to-Face Contact in Our Business

Our natural instinct to be social influences most aspects our lives. The traditional way of doing roof, soffit, eavestrough and siding repairs and rep...
How to Choose the Best Siding Colour20200121213118

How to Choose the Best Siding Colour

Choosing the right combination of tints is a watershed decision. That’s because you can’t change the colour of vinyl, or easily match the robustness o...
Attaching Siding the Correct Way to Studs20200108000540

Attaching Siding the Correct Way to Studs

There’s actually quite a lot to know about what goes on behind siding. First, there’s a network of 2×4 or 2×6 timber ‘studs’ forming a frame...
Correctly Replacing James Hardie Siding20191223010552

Correctly Replacing James Hardie Siding

Installing James Hardie fibre-cement siding is relatively simple on straight runs because the overlaps between strips largely seal the joints. However...
Winter Time Can Be Good for Exterior Work20191112223512

Winter Time Can Be Good for Exterior Work

Winter can be a good time to get your eavestroughs, siding and soffit repairs done. However, many clients are unaware of the benefits, although others...
Why Our Minimum Charges are Fair20191009021948

Why Our Minimum Charges are Fair

Every now and then a customer calls in and says ‘I have a quick job for you if you need a stocking-filler’. They may be a regular or a new client. How...
Our Birds Eye View of Roof Measurement20190821081036

Our Birds Eye View of Roof Measurement

Scrambling around on a roof with a measuring tape in one hand and a notebook in the other is not everybody’s idea of fun. We don’t have the scaffoldin...