Leaves the Silent Enemies of Eavestroughs20191022224029
Leaves the Silent Enemies of Eavestroughs
October 22, 2019blocking, damage, debris, downpipes, eavestroughs, gutters, leaf cleaning service, leaves, overflowing, sticks, stoppages0 comments
Doctors told us elbows were the smallest things to put into our ears when we are kids. Likewise, leaves should never enter eavestroughs and down-pipes...
How Fascia Affects Gutter Replacement20191016013909
How Fascia Affects Gutter Replacement
October 16, 2019affects, attaches, channel, eavestrough, fascia, get advice, gutter, hidden dangers, rotting wood0 comments
Did you ever wonder where the word ‘gutter’ comes from? Even if you did Latin at school you may not realise the Roman word ‘gutta’ means a “droplet’. ...
Why Our Minimum Charges are Fair20191009021948
Why Our Minimum Charges are Fair
October 9, 2019calgary, canada, contingencies, eavestroughing, margins, minimum charges, rates, roofing, siding0 comments
Every now and then a customer calls in and says ‘I have a quick job for you if you need a stocking-filler’. They may be a regular or a new client. How...
Fixing Siding Over DensGlass Sheathing20190930045858
Fixing Siding Over DensGlass Sheathing
September 30, 2019advantages, densglass, envelope, fasteners, fibreglass, gypsum, sheath, sheathing, tips, weatherproofing, when to use0 comments
DensGlass sheathing has been on the market for over thirty years. We have noticed an uptick in inner-city construction. However, relatively high cost ...
Northern Climate Foundations Go Deeper20190925014208
Northern Climate Foundations Go Deeper
September 25, 2019calgary, canada, cooler, foundations, frost line, methods, northern, southern, types, warmer0 comments
We fielded a query from a returning Calgary resident the other day. We were discussing the feasibility of an extension to their home when the subject ...
How Home Design Impacts Eavestroughing20190918030017
How Home Design Impacts Eavestroughing
September 18, 2019capacity, design, dormer, downpipes, eavestroughs, gable, gullies, hip, home, house, rain, roof, snow0 comments
A roof is often the last thing we look at when purchasing a home. We may give it a sideways glance before we enter, and a superficial look when we lea...
The Shingle Look Without the Annual Effort20190911040609
The Shingle Look Without the Annual Effort
September 11, 2019advantages, asphalt, colours, cost, durability, effects, iko, look, natural, shingle0 comments
Wooden shakes are part of Canada’s architectural heritage. That’s because pioneering settlers could split them from straight-grained bolts of wood usi...
Installing Skylights Are They Worth It?20190904035421
Installing Skylights Are They Worth It?
September 4, 2019advantages, cleaning, disadvanteges, downsides, good things, install, leaking, skylight0 comments
Come wintertime folk call us for a price for a skylight. The cost depends on your roof we tell them. Some require more effort and we can’t simply quot...
Our Birds Eye View of Roof Measurement20190821081036
Our Birds Eye View of Roof Measurement
August 21, 2019calgary, construction, eavestrough, fair quote, good deal, maintenance, repair, replacement, roof, siding0 comments
Scrambling around on a roof with a measuring tape in one hand and a notebook in the other is not everybody’s idea of fun. We don’t have the scaffoldin...