Our Birds Eye View of Roof Measurement20190821081036
Our Birds Eye View of Roof Measurement
August 21, 2019calgary, construction, eavestrough, fair quote, good deal, maintenance, repair, replacement, roof, siding0 comments
Scrambling around on a roof with a measuring tape in one hand and a notebook in the other is not everybody’s idea of fun. We don’t have the scaffoldin...
The Stack Effect As It Applies to Homes20190731013642
The Stack Effect As It Applies to Homes
July 31, 2019air buoyancy, cladding, costs, density differences, health, hvac, moisture, siding, stack effect, temperature0 comments
The stack effect is the movement of air in and out of buildings on account of buoyancy. This buoyancy is due to indoor-outdoor density contrasts cause...
Waterproofing at Deck / Wall Transition Points20190529013010
Waterproofing at Deck / Wall Transition Points
May 29, 2019deck, how to avoid, how to repair, leaks, points, rotting, siding, transition, wall, waterproofing, wood0 comments
Fairly Severe Water Damage © Valiant Exteriors There’s more to the construction of wooden decks that usually meets the eye. They comprise a supporting...
Stucco, Ancient Art with Exciting Future20190320023100
Stucco, Ancient Art with Exciting Future
March 20, 2019aggregate, binder, calgary, canada, cement, history, lime, modern, origin, plaster, portland, rendering, siding, stucco, water0 comments
Stucco with its distinct texture © Valiant Exteriors The dividing line between stucco and plaster / rendering is vague, although stucco is more a deco...
Why Rain Screen Siding is a Good, Green Idea20190116031821
Why Rain Screen Siding is a Good, Green Idea
January 16, 2019calgary, frame, insulation, new, rain, replacement, screen, siding, spruce, ventilation, wood0 comments
Siding’s main purpose is to protect the inner wall of a building from rain, snow, wind and sunlight. Canadians have also turned siding into a craft, w...
How Red Cedar Wood Is Ideal For Exterior Use20181227022912
How Red Cedar Wood Is Ideal For Exterior Use
December 27, 2018compare, decking, exterior use, joists, posts, red cedar, rot proof, shingles, siding, white pine, wood0 comments
Canada’s giant, magnificent cedars can grow an impressive 60 metres tall provided they have rich soil to sink their roots. We find these ‘thuja plicat...
Why Winter Is a Good Time to Have Your Siding Done20181012055921
Why Winter Is a Good Time to Have Your Siding Done
October 12, 2018calgary, climate, construction, fascias, gutters, new, repairs, replacement, siding, soffits, summer, winter0 comments
Clients sometimes wonder how we keep going successfully all year round, given we work on the outside of homes in Calgary, southern Alberta. While we d...
Caulking James Hardie Siding Facts You May Not Know20180926011524
Caulking James Hardie Siding Facts You May Not Know
September 26, 2018boards, caulking, corners, correct method, doors, ends, hardie, joints, sealants, sealing, siding, windows0 comments
HardiePlank fibre-cement lap siding is a tinted product available in a range of colours, or as plain. The joints between the boards do not require sea...