James Hardie – The Company And the Fascinating History20180829053812
James Hardie – The Company And the Fascinating History
August 29, 2018andrew reid, asia, australia, boards, company, hardie, history, james, new zealand, north america, panels, siding, strips0 comments
James Hardie the company began when an enterprising young Scotsman left his family’s tannery business, and moved to Melbourne, Australia. It was 1888,...
Why Engineered Wood is Better that Real Wood for Exterior Applications20180725050845
Why Engineered Wood is Better that Real Wood for Exterior Applications
July 25, 2018compare, cost, decay, door, engineered, insects, natural, rot, siding, strength, trim, window, wood0 comments
If you are longing to give your Calgary home a traditional siding effect, or just add trim around the doors and windows, you may be asking is there an...
We Pay for What We Get in the Contracting World20180718033056
We Pay for What We Get in the Contracting World
July 18, 2018building, calgary, contractor, costs, eavestroughs, quality counts, savings, siding, soffits0 comments
We get what we pay for in almost all situations. We say ‘almost’ because there must be an exception. There always are, although we cannot put our fing...
Visible Cues That Siding Needs Replacing Before Winter20180711055812
Visible Cues That Siding Needs Replacing Before Winter
July 11, 2018aging, damage, energy bills, insects, needs replacing, rotting, siding, signs, storms, ultra violet, uv, wind0 comments
Chilly winters, snow, and biting winds return in Calgary winters. Therefore, it is a wise decision to repair or replace damaged and aging siding befor...
Choosing in The Rainbow of James Hardie Colours20180627010611
Choosing in The Rainbow of James Hardie Colours
June 27, 2018calgary, colours, get advice, james hardie, palette, rainbow, siding, tints, tones0 comments
James Hardie fibre cement siding comes in a variety of colours so you can pick and choose, and live colourfully as their slogan goes. Of course we cou...
Fibre Cement Over Vinyl Siding: Is It Worth the Cost?20180530052332
Fibre Cement Over Vinyl Siding: Is It Worth the Cost?
May 30, 2018appearance, cement, cladding, compare, cost, durability, fibre, fire, siding, thickness, vinyl0 comments
Given the expense of buying and maintaining a home, it is no wonder so many Calgary homeowners choose vinyl over fibre. However, fibre siding wins han...
Avoid Building Contract Scamsters: Ask, Who Will to Do the Work20180502050026
Avoid Building Contract Scamsters: Ask, Who Will to Do the Work
May 2, 2018avoid a scam, building contracts, eavestrough, find a builder calgary, gutter, quality, scamsters, siding, soffit, spot a cowboy0 comments
Despite best efforts, there are still a number of shady contractors cutting corners to secure work for good profit in Calgary. They are often friendly...
Choosing the Right Contractor For Your Siding Job20180418060053
Choosing the Right Contractor For Your Siding Job
April 18, 2018calgary, eavestrough, expert, get the job done right, gutter, right contractor, siding, soffit, specialist, specialist builder, technology0 comments
We can thank the division of labour into specialist tasks for vast strides forward in terms of productivity and quality. The Greek Philosopher Plato d...
Benefits of Rigid Exterior Insulation Sheets20180328085933
Benefits of Rigid Exterior Insulation Sheets
March 28, 2018built out, calgary, cladding, doors, eliminate, energy shield, exterior, insulation, low carbon, prevent, rigid, siding, windows0 comments
The rising cost of energy, and the burden of global warming are putting pressure on Canadians to insulate their homes wisely. However, at the same tim...